Monday, June 28, 2010

'when you blow out the candles, one light stays a-glow...'

have you ever noticed that on your birthday, you don't feel older? you don't feel wiser and you don't feel more mature.
you DO feel like you should be given more respect. like you should be given more freedom to do as you please. like a whole other year has already gone by... and you certainly feel happier. :)
i don't know what it is, but i always feel 10x happier on my birthday than on just some other day. i feel like i'm on the top of the world and that nothing can bring me down. :)

but for some reason... the next day always just seems so... blah.
well, later bloggers(:


1 comment:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! haha we never actually got to talk! :(
